8: Phobias, The Thaw, and Stay Out of the F'ing Attic

Episode 8 March 18, 2021 00:42:37
8: Phobias, The Thaw, and Stay Out of the F'ing Attic
HauntedMTL - Streamin' Demons
8: Phobias, The Thaw, and Stay Out of the F'ing Attic

Mar 18 2021 | 00:42:37


Hosted By

Jim Phoenix

Show Notes

Join the Streamin Demons where we discuss the borrowed – Phobias: Anthology of Fears (2021), the old – The Thaw (2009), and the new – Stay Out of the F’ing Attic (2021). Come listen as Jim wonders how RC Cola still exists while Voodoo Priestess learns all about Val Kilmer movies. Ponder along with all of us as Brannyk discusses a movie that has neither Sharks nor Nazis!

All this and more on the next Streamin’ Demons!

Where to watch Phobias, The Thaw, and Stay out of the F’ing Attic

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